Mr. Nilupul Gunawardena

| Senior Research Fellow

International investment law, Arbitration, Investor-State Dispute Settlement, Law of the Sea.
Reading Time: < 1 min read

Nilupul re-joined LKI in August 2022.

He holds an LLM in Public International Law from the University of Leiden, The Netherlands and obtained his undergraduate degree in Law from the University of London.

Prior to joining LKI, he worked as the National Specialist to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, International Consultant on Resilience and Protection of Submarine Cables at the Global Maritime Crime Programme of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Consultant (Legal) for World Bank South Asian Region, Associate Legal Officer to the former Vice-President of the International Court of Justice, in The Hague, and the Disaster Management Branch of the United Nations Environment Programme.

His research interests include international investment law, arbitration, Investor-State Dispute Settlement and Law of the Sea.

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