International Affairs

May 9, 2017

‘Diplomacity’ in the 21st Century: Why Sri Lanka’s Local Mayors must become Global Players

By Rapti Ratnayake,  

Reading Time: 5 min read Rapti Ratnayake looks at how Colombo can take advantage of the opportunities afforded through city-to-city and mayor-to-mayor links to become a globally competitive city.

January 25, 2017

What did Trump’s Inaugural Address say on Foreign Policy?

By Dinusha Panditaratne,  

Reading Time: 5 min read Dr. Dinusha Panditaratne looks at the inaugural address of the new U.S. President and his nationalist “new deal” for the world.

November 22, 2016

Six Perspectives that Explain Trump’s Views on Asia

By Anishka De Zylva,  Barana Waidyatilake,  

Reading Time: 8 min read Anishka De Zylva and Barana Waidyatilake on how Donald Trump’s presidency will affect economics, security and governance in Asia.

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