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LKI Welcomes the Secretary General of SAARC

June 13, 2024    Reading Time: < 1 minute

Reading Time: < 1 min read

The Executive Director of the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute of International Relations and Strategic Studies (LKI), Amb. Ravinatha Aryasinha welcomed H.E. Md. Golam Sarwar, the Secretary General of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) on his inaugural visit to Sri Lanka, to the Institute on Thursday 13 June 2024. The Secretary-General participated in a Roundtable Discussion with a group of eminent policymakers, scholars and stakeholders concerned with the developments of SAARC.

During a bilateral discussion that preceeded the roundtable, the recent initiatives of SAARC and the propects for its revitalization was discussed. Ambassador Aryasinha pledged that LKI was keen to more closely collaborate with SAARC in the academic sphere, as well as to contribute to expanding the study of South Asia in Sri Lanka. Citing compelling evidence of the advantages of expanded collaboration observed in other regions, Ambassador Sarwar emphasised the significance of comprehending and resolving the primary obstacles to greater regional cooperation in South Asia. He looked forward to the LKI’s active engagement in this endeavour.  

Amb. H.M.G.S Palihakkara, Former Foreign Secretary of Sri Lanka, Amb. Pamela J Deen, Director General, Bandarnaike International Diplomatic Training Institute, Ms. Irosha Cooray, Director for Education, Security and Culture, SAARC, Ms. T P Dharmasena, Director General of the SAARC Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and LKI Research Fellow Mr. Nilupul Gunawardena (Global Governance) also joined in this discussion.

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