Reading Time: 2 min read
LKI was honoured to have Professor Razeen Sally, Associate Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy of the National University of Singapore, speak at a foreign policy round table discussion on “The Global Order and Asia in the Age of Trump: What it means for Sri Lanka.”
Professor Sally shared his insights on the possible global order scenarios that could evolve under a Trump administration, while highlighting the geopolitical and economic changes that could take place in Asia. He further elaborated on how those changes could affect Sri Lanka and the region.
Professor Sally stated that the global order may remain largely unchanged under a Trump administration, given the size and complexity of US government systems. This would be beneficial to small states, like Sri Lanka, as they develop best in an open liberal order, which has so far been the global order spearheaded by the US. Other alternatives such as a mercantilist order, which may become a reality if the US plays less of a global role, would not be beneficial to small states. Professor Sally emphasised that the US provides essential regional and international public goods, related to economics and security. In addition, it is unlikely that groupings of international cooperation, lacking in US leadership, or any other region or country, such as Europe and China, would be able to provide those essential international and regional public goods – at least in the foreseeable future.
The presentation was followed by an engaging discussion that considered, among other issues, the implications of the Trump administration not playing by the rules the US has played by in the past, and the possible effects of that administration on regional production networks.
The foreign policy round table was a high-level discussion attended by senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the diplomatic corps, including representatives from embassies and high commissions. It was also attended by heads of leading private sector organisations, and representatives of other governmental bodies, international organisations, think tanks and the press.
Click here for the key takeaways of the round table.
Photos: Fluke, by Ruvin de Silva