March 2, 2016 Reading Time: 2 minutes
Syrian refugees in a holding center. Image credit - csakisti/depositphotos
Reading Time: 2 min read
Singapore to assist in restructuring Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed willingness to help restructure its Sri Lankan counterpart.
The Singaporean Ministry is offering capacity-building assistance to Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the areas of human resources, planning and training.
Senior Red Cross official visits Sri Lanka
The Secretary General of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Elhadj As Sy, is scheduled to arrive in Sri Lanka today for a three day visit.
During his visit, As Sy will visit the North to oversee progress on the ‘Red Cross Society’s Post Conflict Recovery Program.’
International Tourism Conference to be held in Sri Lanka
The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has decided to host this year’s International Tourism Conference in Sri Lanka.
The UNWTO hopes that the conference, to be held on the east coast of Sri Lanka, will boost the country’s tourism industry.
Canada reaches target for refugee intake
The Canadian Minister of Immigration, John McCallum, announced that Canada has reached its goal of resettling 25,000 refugees for the year 2015.
The Minister added that measures are being taken to integrate refugees who have fled conflict-ridden Syria, into Canadian society.
TPP reaches implementation stage
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade agreement spanning the Asia-Pacific and Americas, is expected to come into full force as signatory countries begin the process of ratification.
The trade pact is expected to bring together 12 countries with a collective GDP of $28 billion, accounting for 40% of the global GDP.
Apple wins encryption case in New York
Contrary to an earlier judgment on the San Bernardino case, a judge in New York has ruled that the United States government cannot unlock an iPhone.
The judgment represents a win for Apple in its legal dispute with the federal government on the right to privacy.